Lingua Latina

Profil uživatele: Donweobong

Statistické informace

Datum registrace: 2020-09-01 12:03:34
Poslední aktivita: 2020-09-02 09:12:57
Počet článků: 0
Počet příspěvků: 0
Počet vyhodnocených testů: 0
Počet přečtených článků: 0

Jméno: eLeap Software
Pohlaví: muž
Věk: 25

eLeaP LMS is a leader in the e-learning industry because its Learning management System is flexible, validated, adaptable and customizable – and so easy to use it can be up and running in a matter of minutes with no special training. eLeaP also has an extensive library of over 850 ready-to-go training courses which you can easily deploy to your team. Many of our LMS software customers greatly benefit from our free professional training services to help them make sense of the confusing and expensive training and e-learning landscape.